So please join me over at "iHappy":
Monday, December 19, 2011
Moving day!
After taking the summer & fall off from blogging I'm ready to step back into the fray. But with a different format. I've decided to begin a new blog, one where I post a picture or 2 (or 3!) each day (or whenever I am so inclined!) and write up a few sentences of what we've accomplished in our day. As the year is coming to a close I'm feeling the need to document our life in a more simple way. I toyed with not even blogging but I like the community and the ability to look back and see what we were up to!
Monday, June 6, 2011
June means Green
I got some great shots of a few of the things out there and there's still more! So I'm sure more pictures will be popping up here during this month. Now that we are living back in the suburbs rather then right smack in the middle of the city where there was hardly any nature to be seen, I'm excited to get out there! I'm planning on lots of walks with the little one this summer with camera in tow.
Friday, June 3, 2011
This Moment {Knitting!}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Joining Amanda again this week!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Yarn Along
Ginny has some big news this week! Congratulations to her & her family on the birth of their baby boy! I'm not sure if she'll be hosting the yarn along this week but I thought I'd post anyway.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Holiday Weekend Fun

Thankful for:
~BEAUTIFUL finally summer weather
~Window fans that cool off
~New outside water toys
~Cooking on the grill
~Family & Friends
~A little one who loves to dress in Mama's shoes (& purse & clothes)
~Toddler legs
~Lazy summer afternoons
~Little ones who are content with a pen & paper
~The inevitable pen marks on said toddler after pen & paper fun
~Those who protect our country
~Summer watermelon
~And corn on the cob
~And potato salad
~The birds singing
~The summer roses blooming
~Cut flowers on the kitchen counter
~The sound of lawn mowers
~The smell of grass
~So much more
So thankful that all this was packed into just one three day weekend!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Project Spectrum

To begin this round May's color to focus on was red. Above are a few pictures that I took throughout this month. Not as many as I had hoped but still some.
I had knit a pair of baby booties out of the yarn in the bottom...again I had wanted to knit a few other projects but it just didn't happen! I do have a few projects all set to go for June when the color is green!
I love Project Spectrum for it's wide variety of interpretation. There is no limit on where your creativity can take you as you delve into each color. I chose to go very laid back for May and yet red still seemed to pop up...almost like it found me rather then the other way around!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Lemon Sunshine
Then our local grocery had lemons on sale. So I bought a bunch, went to my new favorite blog for recipes: Smitten Kitchen and found this post with a recipe for Lemon Bars.
I made them with the 1:1 ratio. I'm not all that fond of lemony tartness but my husband LOVES it. So I pretty much made these for his taste buds and for my need for bright color in the house!
Friday, May 27, 2011
This Moment {Smelling the Flowers}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Joining Amanda again this week! And a special congrats to the Soule Family on the birth of their new daughter!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Late night Daybook
FOR TODAY: May 24; but only for about a half hour more!
Outside my window... dark! And I just heard some rain. AGAIN.
From the kitchen... It's been raining for almost 2 weeks so there has been lots going on in the kitchen lately. Tonight I made lemon bars. A post on those tomorrow once I get pictures taken!
I am wearing... a white tee-shirt and pink pajama bottoms
I am creating... Christmas socks for my dad
I am going... to bed soon
I am reading... A Homemade Life
I am hoping... that sleeps come easily
I am hearing... silence
Around the house... it's all picked up for night-time.
One of my favorite things... freshly cleaned bed sheets
Outside my window... dark! And I just heard some rain. AGAIN.
I am thinking... Of how this late night is going to hurt in the morning!
I am thankful for... my husband who has been working such long hours to provide for us
From the kitchen... It's been raining for almost 2 weeks so there has been lots going on in the kitchen lately. Tonight I made lemon bars. A post on those tomorrow once I get pictures taken!
I am wearing... a white tee-shirt and pink pajama bottoms
I am creating... Christmas socks for my dad
I am going... to bed soon
I am reading... A Homemade Life
I am hoping... that sleeps come easily
I am hearing... silence
Around the house... it's all picked up for night-time.
One of my favorite things... freshly cleaned bed sheets
Picture thought... a lone flower in the backyard
Monday, May 23, 2011
In the Kitchen
So I sat down yesterday and did it again for this week. Now I just need to start making it up a little earlier so I can start making only ONE trip to the grocery store a week! But it's still progress!
Monday: Leftover eggplant parmesan
Tuesday: sausage and pasta
Wednesday: Beef Stew
Thursday: frozen pizza
Friday: American chop suey
Saturday: Chicken pot pie
Friday, May 20, 2011
This Moment {The cooking edition!}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Joining Amanda again this week!
Thursday, May 19, 2011

And to top it all off my wonderful husband came home with a cheesecake. Today was a most awesome day!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Yarn Along
Once again joining Ginny's Yarn Along!
A few people asked last week if I would be knitting the hat as well. I don't think so. Just the sweater this time around!
Also the same book as last week except that I've begun it! I'm not very far into it but I'm enjoying it. It's making me remember different recipes that bring back so many memories from my youth. I'd never before realized how tied together many happy memories of my growing up revolved around my mom's kitchen. It's making me try to be more aware as I think over my own family's menus...I want my daughter to have fond memories of my cooking as well!
But I'm starting to get into a post that I want to write up for next week sometime! :-)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Right now....
~the sky is raining. Again. Still.
~I'm sipping a hot coffee
~And grocery lists
~Of bright sun & warm breezes
~I'm hoping that spring really IS around here somewhere!!
But I'm very thankful for a warm house; warm coffee; warm clothes. I made meatballs and sauce this afternoon for dinner. I'd really like to be grilling and eating outside. That's not happening this week! But whenever I need a little pick-me-up I just look onto the porch, see these gorgeous flowers greeting me and feel better!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Rainy day daybook
FOR TODAY: May 16, 2011
Outside my window... Gray and showers every so often. Pretty much what it's going to be like all week. After a weekend of it too!
From the kitchen... I've made a menu plan for the week!! I'm so excited! Tonight will be left overs.
I am wearing... black yoga pants, pink tee shirt and black zippered sweatshirt.
I am creating... a grocery list & finishing up a sweater for M-T
I am going... to finish the sweater once I finish up a few chores
I am reading... A Homemade Life
I am hoping... to be able to get outside for just a few minutes at some point this week
I am hearing... birds tweeting and a dog barking
Around the house... took it easy...too easy this weekend! There's piles of laundry (Why does it seem like one day there's none and the next it's overflowing?); bathroom that need cleaning; toys that need picking up; beds that need clean sheets.
One of my favorite things... the smell of lilacs! I'm so bummed we don't have a lilac tree here
Outside my window... Gray and showers every so often. Pretty much what it's going to be like all week. After a weekend of it too!
I am thinking... I need to come up with some sort of exercise routine.
I am thankful for... a job!
From the kitchen... I've made a menu plan for the week!! I'm so excited! Tonight will be left overs.
I am wearing... black yoga pants, pink tee shirt and black zippered sweatshirt.
I am creating... a grocery list & finishing up a sweater for M-T
I am going... to finish the sweater once I finish up a few chores
I am reading... A Homemade Life
I am hoping... to be able to get outside for just a few minutes at some point this week
I am hearing... birds tweeting and a dog barking
Around the house... took it easy...too easy this weekend! There's piles of laundry (Why does it seem like one day there's none and the next it's overflowing?); bathroom that need cleaning; toys that need picking up; beds that need clean sheets.
One of my favorite things... the smell of lilacs! I'm so bummed we don't have a lilac tree here
Picture thought... my little big girl loves exploring in the backyard!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Mother's Day Flowers
I hope everyone has a beautiful weekend!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Yarn Along
Once again joining Ginny's Yarn Along!
Then I had a whole bunch of balls of yarn that needed knitting! (See at the beginning of the year I had made a decision that any yarn I bought this year NEEDED to be used as soon as stash making.)
I want to make my daughter a sweater each year of her life. She got a little one when she was three weeks old and I had every intention of knitting her 1 year sweater for her 1st birthday but that didn't happen. So I decided to use the yarn from my not sweater to make up hers. (Rav link. It's called the Boat Ride).
I finished the back and am almost done with the front and it's going great! I'm excited to finish it up and with the way the weather has been around here lately she may be able to wear it a bit before summer kicks in!
As for reading there really hasn't been all that much of that going on again. I did check this book out of the library last week "A Homemade Life" on the recommendation of a fellow blogger whom I can't remember at the moment! I'm hoping to begin tonight when the little one is in bed.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Slice of Life Tuesday {Delight}
This week's "subject" was Delight. I've been delighting in the foods of spring the past few days!! And this....summer a HUGE delight for me! I love making summer squash casserole and that is exactly what I did for Mother's Day for myself!! Here's to many more this spring & summer!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Then yesterday we spent a lot of the day planning dinner for my mom & grandmother. Even though I like to be spoiled I'd much rather be planning the spoiling of others! It was a beautiful weekend and I'm so blessed with my wonderful family!
Friday, May 6, 2011
This Moment {Flying kites}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Joining Amanda again this week!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Fabric goodies
I got ambitious just before Easter and decided that I wanted to make up things as little gifts. And then didn't take pictures of things before giving them away!
I grabbed the few things that are still at our house and took a few pictures:

That's just a smattering of the projects that were taking place here in the weeks leading up to Easter!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Yarn Along!
This week once again joining Ginny's Yarn Along!
I'm working on a few Mother's Day projects for my mom who LOVES penguins! At Christmas time I made her a few dish clothes with the penguin pattern. She uses them all the time so I decided to make up a few more for her.
This week not too much reading going on again but I have been looking through many different patterns looking for things to make my daughter using the sewing machine. I checked these two Anna Maria Horner books out of the library: Handmade Beginnings and Seams to Me.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Let's go fly a kite!
Monday, May 2, 2011
This Weekend....
~found a new playground
~enjoyed lots of time outside
~had a surprise visit
~watched a Royal wedding
~worshipped our God
~took naps
~knit a whole bunch
~spent time with family
~made play dates for this week
~ran errands
~smelled the flowers
~shared meals
~finished chores
Friday, April 29, 2011
This Moment {Cousins Easter Egg Hunt}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Joining Amanda again this week!

Thursday, April 28, 2011
{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}
I'm enjoying the blog Like Mother, Like Daughter and this is one of their weekly features: Pretty Happy Funny Real. So I thought I'd give it a try this week!!
Our (I think) azalea bush in the side yard is finally in bloom!
We got a new grill for Easter and this past Tuesday evening was GORGEOUS so we had hamburgers on the grill!
My funny little girl needed to put on BOTH pairs of sunglasses!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Yarn Along!
I am so happy to be back writing along with all the other wonderful ladies at Ginny's Yarn Along! I've missed both sharing and reading what everyone is knitting and reading.
I believe in my last yarn along post I wrote about the Shalom cardigan I was making. Sad to say I finished it except for the sleeves but it just came out way too big. I wasn't all the unhappy about having to frog it all back. I was thinking about starting over until I realized I wasn't too happy with the yarn choice for it. So instead I have plans to make my daughter a sweater from it and a few hats.
I haven't really been reading too much. My Lenten reading consisted mostly of my Magnificat. I also read a little bit in a few Charlotte Mason "how to" kind of books. But I've mainly been focusing on my crafting lately.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Catch up!
Well now I didn't mean to be gone for over a month! We've had exciting changes around here which meant we tried to spend as much time together as we could before my husband began his new job. And then we all got sick about 2 weeks before Easter, one right after the other, and then with Easter preparations...well I needed to let some things go and it had to be the blog.
But I'm back and ready to go!! The weather has changed and spring has FINALLY sprung thankfully! I've been sewing & knitting like crazy but unfortunately have hardly any pictures to show for it and it was all for Easter gifts soooo you'll just have to believe me that's I've been busy!
I'll be back tomorrow with the Yarn Along. I can't wait to join that again! I'll leave you with a few is "our" bunny that lives in our backyard. He's so cute & my 1 year old loves to stand at the window shouting "bun bun" to him! The other is a picture of the tables all set for Easter Dinner. And the first is our daughter searching for Easter Eggs!

Monday, March 21, 2011
Start of the week daybook
FOR TODAY: March 21, 2011
Outside my window... Dark now. But I guess Mother Nature doesn't want to hand Winter over to Spring yet because we had snow showers all day
From the kitchen... homemade meatballs and tomato sauce
I am wearing... jeans, a purple turtle neck shirt and a black cardigan
I am creating... A Shalom Cardigan still. Falling down & hurting things really put a cramp in my knitting for the past week
I am going... to watch a movie with my husband soon
I am reading... One Thousand Gifts
I am hoping... for very very good news this week
I am hearing... the tv
Around the house... laundry is caught up; bathrooms are clean; toys are all over. It's a good day!
One of my favorite things... baby playdates
Outside my window... Dark now. But I guess Mother Nature doesn't want to hand Winter over to Spring yet because we had snow showers all day
I am thinking... that I haven't blogged in almost a week!!
I am thankful for... Sprains instead of broken bones
From the kitchen... homemade meatballs and tomato sauce
I am wearing... jeans, a purple turtle neck shirt and a black cardigan
I am creating... A Shalom Cardigan still. Falling down & hurting things really put a cramp in my knitting for the past week
I am going... to watch a movie with my husband soon
I am reading... One Thousand Gifts
I am hoping... for very very good news this week
I am hearing... the tv
Around the house... laundry is caught up; bathrooms are clean; toys are all over. It's a good day!
One of my favorite things... baby playdates
Picture thought... we celebrated the start of Spring yesterday with a trip to the beach and playground. M-T was very happy to be outside!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Slice of Life Tuesday {Close Up}
This is my submission for Slice of Life Tuesday:close up. This is a rainbow prism on our counter from a crystal hanging in the window. Our 1 year old loves to "chase" the prisms all over the floor!
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