
Monday, March 21, 2011

Start of the week daybook

FOR TODAY: March 21, 2011

Outside my window... Dark now. But I guess Mother Nature doesn't want to hand Winter over to Spring yet because we had snow showers all day

I am thinking... that I haven't blogged in almost a week!!

I am thankful for... Sprains instead of broken bones

From the kitchen... homemade meatballs and tomato sauce

I am wearing... jeans, a purple turtle neck shirt and a black cardigan

I am creating... A Shalom Cardigan still. Falling down & hurting things really put a cramp in my knitting for the past week

I am going... to watch a movie with my husband soon

I am reading... One Thousand Gifts

I am hoping... for very very good news this week

I am hearing... the tv

Around the house... laundry is caught up; bathrooms are clean; toys are all over. It's a good day!

One of my favorite things... baby playdates

Picture thought... we celebrated the start of Spring yesterday with a trip to the beach and playground. M-T was very happy to be outside!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Slice of Life Tuesday {Close Up}

Posting may be a little light this week--I fell down the stairs and took a huge chunk of skin off my hand so it's hard to type!

This is my submission for Slice of Life Tuesday:close up. This is a rainbow prism on our counter from a crystal hanging in the window. Our 1 year old loves to "chase" the prisms all over the floor!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Project 64::Plum

I found this week's color a little difficult! A few weeks ago I got these roses at the Flower Show we went to. They are made out of pussy willow wood. The colors are very vibrant and unfortunately I took this shot at night so it doesn't quite do it justice. But they are gorgeous!

Friday, March 11, 2011

This Moment {Family Coloring Time}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Joining Amanda again this week!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


FOR TODAY: March 10, 2011

Outside my window... Very gray. We're supposed to get a pretty good rainstorm tomorrow.

I am thinking... that I need to be starting supper!

I am thankful for... Rain instead of snow!

From the kitchen... we're having beef & broccoli for supper

I am wearing... jeans and a warm gray & purple sweater (same outfit as last Thursday!!)

I am creating... A Shalom Cardigan. About half done with the body

I am going... to begin supper soon

I am reading... One Thousand Gifts

I am hoping... for very very good news next week

I am hearing... daddy & baby playing

Around the house... laundry is caught up; bathrooms are clean; toys are all over. It's a good day!

One of my favorite things... spring rain

Picture thought... my in progress Shalom Cardigan

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yarn Along!

I'm very much enjoying seeing everyone's submissions each week for the Yarn Along that Ginny hosts each week!

Over the weekend I finished up a few projects which I wrote about on Monday. Here's the Ripple's in the Sand washcloth that I made for myself. For some reason it didn't show up in Monday's post. Thanks again to Meredith over at Sweetness and Light for the pattern! I loved it and am sure I will make up a bunch more when I need more washcloths!

After those projects finished I could begin working on my Shalom Cardigan. I've already finished the yoke and am getting ready to try & figure out how to modify the pattern to put arms on it. I had the best of intentions of taking a picture of it last night to post here but that didn't happen. And I'm too lazy this morning to get the project out & the camera out and try and hold off the 1 year old from grabbing both the sweater AND the camera to take a picture. I'll post an "in progress" picture tomorrow!

The links to my projects are on Ravelry. A few weeks ago a few of you posted your Ravelry name's so we could link up there too. Mine is JeninRI.

I'm also still reading Ann Voscamp's One Thousand Gifts. I love it. I'm also trying to figure out what reading to make for my Lenten Journey this year. At least for the beginning it will be Ann's book! :-)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Slice of Life Tuesday {Morning}

This week's Slice of Life Prompt was "morning."

This has been our morning routine almost all winter. I make a bowl of oatmeal to share with my daughter (she's 1. She eats about 10 spoon fulls. I get the rest!)

What is odd is that I never used to like oatmeal. All the sudden this winter it's about the only thing I want to eat for breakfast!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Finished Projects

I went out and bought yarn this weekend. It went against what I'd promised myself at the beginning of the year: No more yarn until I get some of what I already have knit up!

Welllllll. I want to make myself a sweater and I came across a great sale. So I bought it! But I told myself I wouldn't begin the sweater until a few of my current already begun projects were finished. So that's what I spent a big part of my weekend doing:

This large thing was supposed to be one of a pair of placemats. I began this in August. It is HUGE and took FOREVER. I wasn't about to make another one. But it is big enough to act as a smallish table runner that will be used as a hot mat.
This is one of two "Ripple's in the Sand" dish cloths I whipped up this weekend as gifts.

And this is my little "Grumpy Bear" made for my little one. I think I love him more then she does! There's nothing sweeter then finishing up some projects....unless it's the thought of another project to begin!

Counting to One Thousand: #47-67

Smelling the flowers at the grocery store
Finishing a knitting project
Walking around outside on a chilly afternoon
Story time at the library
having a plan for supper before needing to begin
seeing the ground again after all the snow has melted
watching M-T use her imagination
finding a gift for someone
the ability to be creative
"coloring" with M-T
sun coming through gray clouds
the rhythm of washing dishes
my husband who enjoys making things out of wood
towels warm from the dryer
the smell of crayons
inspiration from bloggers
birthday cake--just because!
early nap times
cup of tea with mom
the Little Golden Books & the memories that come from them
finishing projects begun long ago

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Project 64:: White

I've really got to get better at visiting everyone's blogs at Project 64! It seems each week I only get to see the first 10 or so then get busy and never get back to it! My goal this week will be to stop by a few each day.

I thought white would be difficult until I opened my eyes. Then I couldn't decide which white to take a picture of! I eventually settled on our keyboard. I love our Mac and can't imagine every going back to a pc!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Giveaway at Ginny's!

Ginny of Yarn Along fame is hosting a FANTASTIC giveaway over on her blog, Small Things, today.

It's a basket full of natural art supplies! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win because at our house lately we've really started in on the creative things. With a 15 month old who wants to do EVERYTHING that mommy & daddy do we've had lots of "help."

I've recently decided to tap into my creative side by branching out more and began a "visual journal" of sorts. I don't feel like I can draw AT ALL but love color and all the art supplies that come with drawing. So my husband bought me a notebook with blank pages (no lines!) and I've started in a little bit of writing and doodling in it.

Right now it holds my list of 1000 Gifts; some clippings from magazines; a few words that pertain to right now; and of course toddler scribbles!

So head on over to Ginny's and check out all the neat things that she's giving away! Whoever wins this one will be very lucky!

Friday, March 4, 2011

This Moment {Blue Eyes!}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Joining Amanda again this week!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Late Week Daybook

FOR TODAY: March 3, 2011

Outside my window... dark and cold. But it's a cold that has the promise of spring in it

I am thinking... that I'm very sleepy

I am thankful for... leftovers!!

From the kitchen... leftovers! And tomorrow will be pork chops using this recipe for something different

I am wearing... jeans and a warm gray & purple sweater

I am creating... a Grumpy Bear for my baby girl; a yo-yo shamrock wreath; baby hats for charity; a finished quilt. I should do a post on my current works in progress!

I am going... to go knit and watch The Big Bang Theory

I am reading... One Thousand Gifts

I am hoping... to get a good night's sleep tonight

I am hearing... The Big Bang Theory has started

Around the house... it's pretty picked up. My different craft projects are all over though

One of my favorite things... my baby's giggles!

Picture thought... This was being constructed at last weekend's flower show

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yarn Along!

I'm very much enjoying seeing everyone's submissions each week for the Yarn Along that Ginny hosts each week!

This week I'm working on the Grumpy Bear and bear sweater for my little girl. I found the pattern in the book, Itty-Bitty Nursery.

I'm also reading One Thousand Gifts and LOVING it! I started my own list of 1000 gifts and all I can say is wow! The more I count them the more aware of them I am and how many show up in each day!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Slice of Life Tuesday {where darkness meets light}

I couldn't think of anything to do for this week's Slice of Life prompt: where darkness meets light. I could have taken a picture of my candles....which I love. But I wanted to do something different.

Then driving home the other night I had an idea! So I had to wait until last night when we were going home & I wasn't driving and I had the camera with me. And voila! My picture for the week!
It's not the best but it captured what I had in my mind. The lights of the cars in front of us at night. I like the effect of the white lines from the road as well.

I'm really enjoying this project just as much as Project 64. They both are really helping me view things in different ways and I'm finding myself becoming more aware of the little things around me that make up life.