At the end of last week I came across a tutorial for a Valentine's Day Yo-Yo Wreath at Shivaya Naturals. And I wanted one.
So I did the easy part: asked my husband to please cut me out a heart shape from cardboard. He did that quickly. The second easy part: pick out what fabrics to use from my fabric stash (which is a lot smaller than I had thought. I need to work on that ;-)
The third part: learn to make yo-yo's. I'd never made one before. Let me tell you: they are ADDICTING. Once I figured out how to make them it took no time at all to crank those babies out! Yesterday afternoon I hot glued them all to the cardboard heart and voila! A pretty Valentine's Day decoration that cost no money as I had all the stuff to make them on hand!

Yoyos being ?