
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yarn Along!

Again I'm joining Ginny and all the other ladies for this week's Yarn Along. I enjoy looking at everyone's entries and queuing up new patterns (and adding books to my reading list!!)

I am almost finished with the legwarmies. Only the ribbing left and then it's finished. I would have been way finished by now except that I began another project (not yarn related) that I wanted to finish before Valentine's Day. I finished it so now the legwarmies will be next! (The Valentine's project will be shown tomorrow so please come on back! :-)

The two books I've been browsing through are More Last Minute Knitted Gifts and Sock Yarn: One Skein Wonders. Many more projects were added to my "I need to knit this!" list!!


  1. Cute legwarmies! Are they for your little girl? Those books look great, too! I always find way too many projects that I want to try when I look through knitting books, but I so enjoy the inspiration they provide =)

  2. Cute! They are going to be a great Valentine's Day gift!
    I have More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts on hold at the library...can't wait to see it!
    Valentine's Day projects are so much fun!

  3. Lots of good books there, and I love your leg warmers, so cute!

  4. I'm a huge legwarmer fan - but never made ones on my own - I should try it one day :)

  5. I only owned one pair of leg warmers when I was a kid, but man! I wore those suckers out! I think Mom was glad when that fashion phase phased out. ;) Yours are so much cuter than mine were...

  6. Love leg warmers. I have a pair to knit at the top of my list. Both the books are on my wish list. I am hoping that our library system will come throug.

    Blessings, Elizabeth
